Sayahna Sayahna


🢤 LaTeX Packages


We use memoir.cls as the main document class for all our books and articles that we typeset. Hence, all the main formatting is done by memoir. The class is available in all standard TeX distributions and can be downloaded from Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) from this link. It is well documented and therefore, readers are advised to go through the documentation before making use of this package.

ithal.sty is a subsidiary LaTeX package that will work in conjunction with memoir.cls extending its functionality to meet the typesetting requirements of Malayalam books.

Package Loading

The package shall be loaded with the command anywhere before \begin{document}



Various options of the package are given below:

  • ml — typeset Malayalam documents.
  • print — generate output for printing, default is false.
  • proof — proof mode, allows to have line numbers, watermark and footer instruction for proofers.
  • sphone — generate pdf output for standard mobile phone with aspect ratio of 16:9.
  • mini — generate pdf output for phone with 5 inch screen size.
  • kindle — generate pdf output for older versions of Kindle device.

Default is web version pdf with dimensions of 145mm × 195mm, which is fit to read in tablet or iPad. The print version has the paper width × paper height dimensions of 146mm × 210mm; sphone version has the dimensions of 80mm × 140mm; mini has 62mm × 110mm; and lastly kindle has 90mm × 122mm.

Various dimensions like paper width/height, inner/outer margins, head/foot heights, marginpar width/sep and various other page dimension parameters can be changed with key-value options provided as arguments of \geometry command. geometry package is loaded by default.

Package Dependencies

This package depends on the following LaTeX packages:

  1. geometry — controls page geometry and various page dimensions.
  2. footmisc — manage and configure footnotes.
  3. multicol — provides to typeset text in columnar mode.
  4. multirow — needed to span tabular cells across rows.
  5. makecell — helps to typeset large chunks of text in a tabular cells and reconfigure its alignment, etc per cell.
  6. ifthen — needed internally to manage booleans.
  7. enumitem — list management features.
  8. ml-draftcopy — add watermarks and other objects in a separate layer in the pdf.
  9. etoolbox — needed internally to manage certain programming features.
  10. polyglossia — multi-lingual setup.
  11. fontspec — font management for utf-8 fonts.
  12. xltxtra — provides macros for typesetting XeLaTeX and XeTeX logos, etc.
  13. xcolor — color management features.
  14. hyperref — hyperlinking internal and external objects.
  15. xspace — needed internally for macro managements.