SFN:Software Infrastructure
[hide]Free/libre software
We shall use only free/libre software wherever possible. We don't expect to make use of any proprietary software for text processing. However, in rare case of complex raster image processing where free/libre software may not have the requisite equivalent, we might resort to some proprietary software, but will strive hard to get back to free software as soon as the equivalent is available.
The entire Sayahna network, desktops and servers run on GNU/Linux operating system.
TeX and friends for text processing
TeX (and its variants like pdfTeX, XeTeX and LuaTeX) is the principal engine for typesetting. We will not use any other typesetting system or proprietary system for the purpose.
Cloud computing
Backup and Continuity Plans
Apartfrom usual onsite back up, we shall ensure backup in two different continents for the protection of data.
GMD: I would also suggest that to enhance professional standing/perception (e.g., in library community), participation in LOCKSS (http://www.lockss.org/about/what-is-lockss/), for example, should be considered.
Authoring, Editing and Output Generation
- Powerful, easy-to-use search engine in all journals: rich metadata to support that. Discoverability of content is vital.
- Real-time collaboration (for example Etherpad Lite http://etherpad.org/)
- Web based
- TeX aware
- Instant output generation in the cloud
- Author disambiguation (see project ORCID http://about.orcid.org/)
- DOI lookup
- Linking public databases (gene, chem, species, … banks)
- Pubmed linking
- Crossref linking
- BibTeX (investigate Jabref too http://jabref.sourceforge.net/)
- Messaging/chatting while authoring (explore Node.js http://nodejs.org/ as a possible framework)
- Online technical support
- Marked edit changes in output PDF
- Deleted words/characters as tooltip in PDF
- WYSIWYG math editing (MathML/XML)
- Linking to social media and sharing/bookmarking services
- Rich graphics: video, SVG, HTML5/canvas
- Publication of data (as part of the article)
- Article-level metrics: views/downloads, citations
Input formats
- TeX and its variants like LaTeX
- Word processor formats
- XML (NLM, Elsevier JA, DocBook, TEI)
Output formats
- Web version PDF for onscreen reading on desktops and major tablets
- Print version PDF with high resolution figures for printing
- ePub for phones, desktop and other devices that has an eBook reader
- XML for archival
- HTML with MathML for supporting browsers
- HTML with images for MathML ignorant browsers
Software projects
Interested free software developers who want to contribute to this project shall visit our facility in Trivandrum, India, stay in our beautiful campus for free and contibute a module.
- Accessible PDF